Thursday 22 November 2012

More Of A Better Day Today

Christmas countdown banner

Really only 33 Days until Christmas ???  YIKES!!! will I be ready when it arrives?  I sure hope so as it certainly isn't going to wait for me now is it?  I still  have to get everything I have been buying the whole Year through from out of our bedroom closet to do a Gift Inventory pretty soon.  I also need to decide when and what I will be doing in the way of Christmas Baking.

Here I am going on about Christmas with our neighbours to the South of us celebrating their Thanksgiving today.

"Wishing all my Friends and Neighbours to the South a Wonderful Thanksgiving with their Family and Friends."

I am happy to report I finally had a good nights sleep last night with my headaches back to their "normal" dull roar instead of being escalated to heights one never wants them to be at EVER.  

I do not know what made me check back on what I had blogged about last Year, however I do this once in awhile.  Last Year on this day I had blogged about Fibromyalgia, "By Definition ~ The Silent Pain Behind The Smiles" , and since then I have many times I am sure as I believe the more awareness there is brought to something the more understanding can there be gained by it.

I actually was pretty good today by getting the living room dusted and vacuumed, tidying up the kitchen somewhat, doing a 1 Mile Workout with Leslie Sansone and leaving the Bedroom and Bathroom to be done until tomorrow.  Now that is reasonable and back to somewhat pacing myself again (for now).  

I am certain I had mentioned before that a few of us girls, members of Cindy's Recipe Exchange on Facebook, had wanted to exchange Christmas Cards with each other.  I was really happy to have received my first Christmas Card of 2012 today.  

"This beautiful Card arrived for me today from Neyaashiinigmiing, Ontario."

"I had wrote all my Cards and got them in the Mail this past Monday to all the Recipe Exchange gals so I wouldn't forget.  It also broke it up a bit for me to do them separate from the few I send to Family and longtime friends.  I also included a Recipe that I had made myself, along with a  Photo,  just to add a Personal Touch, as they are all such a wonderful fun bunch of people."

"I also received some more Happy Mail, as this Free Sample for Celestial "Sleepytime" Tea arrived with a little matching carrying Tin.  I will have to try it out some night soon to see if it really is "Sleepy Time" or not."

This afternoon I took it pretty easy by checking out a few recipes (what else) on Pinterest when I came across another very simple and lovely Christmas Gift idea.

"How simple does Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows in a Mason Jar with a side Jigger of Baileys Irish Cream get?  Not much simpler ... "

Just thought I would throw that out there for anyone who wants to give a little something to someone, but was stuck for an idea of what to give.  I would be happy if someone gave me such a thoughtful gift.

I also spent some time, but not too much, on my "Crabby Cabbie's" new Facebook page.  I really don't think he has even had time to look at his page yet as he has been busy working Saugeen Shores and Area to do so.  Are you on Facebook?  please drop on over and have a "LIKE" yourself on his page, if he doesn't know I will be sure to tell him you have ...  I Promise!

"Just *click* HERE to like my "Crabby Cabbie" on Facebook, not forgetting "Only the Name is "Crabby" !!! "
I also made time to work on the "Bruce County Small Businesses Reaching Out" group on Facebook.  This is a group I believe could be and will be beneficial to both Bruce County Small Businesses and the Consumer, with it being the "ONE STOP" group on Facebook to locate what is available in Bruce County.

In just the short few days we already have at least 23 Small Businesses listed, as well as 102 Members.  I believe the group is off to a great start with hopefully those numbers building daily with some "key members" putting out the Word along with everyone else !

Should you be a Small Business Owner or Consumer with a Facebook Account?  Drop on in to "CHECK IT OUT" and "SHOUT IT OUT" Bruce County.

"Just by *clicking* HERE will take you to the "Bruce County Small Businesses Reaching Out" group on Facebook."

"Photograph of the Grotto at The Bruce Peninsula National Park"

An awesome photo shared by friend, Paul Guest.  Wow I really do have quite a few awesome and talented friends out there ... thanks, as truly do appreciate each and every one.

I also had a bit of a "chuckle" to myself today when looking out the patio doors to check on our Buddy to see ....

"Would that be Froggie or Doggie's legs going on here ... hahahaha !  He is way to cute and relaxed that boy, soaking up all the Sunshine going on outside our doors today."

Guaranteed I am not having any part of Frog's Legs for a meal, never mind Dog's legs !!! but what I did have for my supper was pretty darn good, if I say so myself.

"As I had me some of my Homemade Spaghetti Sauce and Spaghetti for my Supper.  Yummy it was."

I have been hearing about a few people developing flues and colds the past couple of weeks, so I thought I would share yet another one of my finds from Pinterest for at least the Colds end of it.

I surely don't know about anyone else out there, but if I were to come down with a nasty Cold I would be certainly trying this method of a cure out.  Besides anything else, who doesn't LOVE honey and cinnamon? what would you have to loose?

With is having been "more of a better day today" for me, I am zipping right along here at a not too bad pace this evening, considering I have "paced" myself somewhat more then my normal.  It is only just going onto 7:00 pm, so I have lots of time to take my "Checkerboard Aussies" out for their evening out, round and about walk,  "fire" up the Woodstove, have myself a nice HOT bath and maybe watch myself a wee bit of something on TV tonight, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Oh, thank you for sharing the honey-cinnamon cold recipe! I need to try it as I've been sick for more than a week already :( And I was just thinking today that I need to do the inventory of the gifts ASAP too. Christmas is so close!

  2. By the way, I'm really glad you are feeling better!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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