Tuesday 22 May 2012

Another Dent Or Two In The Gardening Department

"Nice to see the guys in the household were getting some Rest & Relaxation last night."

Wow, what a crazy day it was today.  The weather was nice and cool, perfect for any outside work that needed doing.  After everyone was looked after in the wee hours of the morning, I decided to head out downtown on my own with Buddy to take in an early morning walk.

Once we had our walk, I remembered just as I was coming by the Feed Store, we needed some Lime.  I couldn't believe the deal I got on it this day.  I managed to pickup a few bags, but had to go back home to get Rob to unload the dog kennels to go back for the rest ....

"All this, plus the few bags the young man had loaded in behind my seats before I went back home to get Rob.  What a deal for the fantastic price of "FREE" !!!  Whoohoo !  Apparently they were just going to dispose of them, as they were a little bit clumpy for a spreader.  Not a problem for what we need it for."

While Rob was looking after this, I did half the whipper snipping around the property until 11:30 when it was time for me to think about getting our Dinner ready.

"Rob does so love Shake N' Bake Chicken.  I picked up these chichen drumsticks for a total of $4.00, so today was the day I figured he could use a treat."

"I enjoyed them just as much as he did."

Rob did so deserve this treat as this morning he made a big dint ....

".... with a start on working up the Veggie Garden.  This is a huge job, especially difficult one's  back."

I put it in my mind I needed to get the other half of the front flower beds done, so after Dinner was over with I just got on it.

"Before I got started."

"What came out of it.  Oh yes, I sure have gotten my $5.00 worth out of this wagon I bought at a Garage Sale last Year.  I do so love it, as it is not only large, it is very light to pull."

"The finished product just waiting for a thick layer of newspapers and mulch to be covered over top of that.  This will be another day."

"It is difficult to find help now a days, so I had to take any I could get.  Pretty slow but better then nothing."

"A week or so ago I had dug out quite a large start of a Hog Weed plant, only to find another today sprouting between the steps.  Hog Weed can be poisonous and highly invasive, however attractive."

"Since the root was down in where I could not manage to dig it out, I got out the Poison Ivy~Vegetation Killer Spray I had made.  This works very well, killing everything I have used it on.  I use it on the vegetation that comes up through the patio stones with great success."

Recipe please?

Poison Ivy Vegetation Killer

1 cup salt
8 drops liquid detergent
1 galleon vinegar
Combine the salt and vinegar in a pan, heating to dissolve the salt.  Cool the vinegar, add the detergent and pour some liquid into a spray bottle.  Spray the vegetation (you can also pour the mixture onto the weeds).  Refill the spray bottle as necessary.  Note that this formula will kill all the vegetation, so make sure that you are only spraying the plants you want to kill.  If you need to use a lot of this spray, avoid spraying it near wells, as the salt can leach into your water supply.

PS  I give the bottle a really good shake before spraying onto vegetation.

Once finished with all the gardening I was going to do today, I actually sat down to have a coffee with Rob before he put on his "Crabby Cabbie" hat to head out, and I left to go meet my friend for our daily walk.

I am thinking I got back home around 4 pm or so with a sink full of Rhubarb to be prepared.

"The pot on the stove is turned on now to break down the Rhubarb  before I add the sugar to make Rhubarb Stew.  The 4 cups were put into a freezer bag and popped into the freezer to make a pie at a later date."

I also managed to brush, what I thought to be a whole dog, out of Lexus this afternoon as well.  In the house I only got our bed made today .... oh man, there is always so much to do and only so much time and energy to do it in !!!

Thank goodness tomorrow is another day (as I am once again behind on the Crabby Cabbie books, shh, don't be telling him that, lol), "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. so do you not weed your veggie patch first before you rotovate the veggie patch?


  2. I am sure it will be worth all the hard work in the end. I love the hired help - how much per hour? lol xxx


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