Sunday 27 March 2011

Sunday Is Here A Day of Relaxation & Puppy Love.....

There are times, I hope, Rob & I still have a little bit of that "Puppy Love" feeling for each other.  I surely can not speak for him (he would have something 'smart' to say if I should ask him), but I still have that little tickle going on in my tummy when he does something especially nice or tender for me, whether it is make me a cup of coffee, picking up a tea towel to dry a few dishes, or bringing in that extra load of wood if he is not going to be around until later in the day.

Love should be kind, gentle & everlasting, even if it is subject to the ups & downs of those Valleys & Mountains.

I am still not feeling well this morning, but still better then I was two days ago....ummm, maybe that is why I am feeling all mushy and sentimental.  Not a bad thing, as long as I continue to use it to reflect on all the good things going on around me (as sickness can make one feel down at times).

How can I not reflect on good things, when I have so many good friends & family that care for me?  Then my heart really melts when I open the downstairs door to see really two happy faces & hear the tiny squeaks of seven.  Must be "Puppy Love" !

My cousin, Brad, & his wife, Paula, are up at their cottage just north of us (North of the Checkerboard that is) this weekend.  They are stopping in on their way home to see the "Magnificent Seven".  I am really looking forward to seeing them both.  After many these years we have just recently reconnected & it is wonderful !

Seems that some families get disconnected when we are branching out to begin our own lives & starting our own families.  It is wonderful when we get older that we can sometimes reconnect when our own children have started branching out with their lives.  It almost seems like it we return to our roots of when we were children.  Life's circle gets more interesting as time passes, and the world does seem to get smaller for me.

Not too much on my agenda on this sunshiny Sunday morning, other then doing up a few dishes, taking a couple dogs outside, folding a bit of laundry & making a dessert to take down to my Aunt & Uncle's later today.  I am very sorry I can not divulge the dessert that I am making to take along, as I know for a fact my Aunt reads my 'blog', and I surely do not want to ruin the surprise for her!  LOL, sorry Auntie, you will have to wait until we arrive at your doorstep!

Oh I almost forgot, I have to take the time to watch the 2nd movie I had rented yesterday as well, since it has to be back by 5:00 PM today.  I managed to stay awake to to watch "You Again" with Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis & Betty White., just to mention a couple cast members.  I must admit I wasn't too fussy on this movie & thought it to be quite a bit cheesy.  The one I have to watch today, or should I say finish watching, is "How Do You Know" with Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd & Jack Nicholson (love all four of these actors).  I started watching it last night, but just couldn't stay awake so had to shut it off part way through.  I can tell you the part I did watch, I was really enjoyed, until I felt myself being taken away into that much needed world of sleep, lol.  I am sure when I watch the rest of it this morning I will enjoy it as much as the first part I have seen.

Last night's supper was a very easy task, with me taking some Big Batch Chicken Soup out of the freezer for myself, Rob getting to eat leftovers from the night before., and Mom being gone away for the weekend.  I like evening meals like that at times when I am not feeling well; easy & uncomplicated, with everyone walking away quite satisfied.

I am looking for the day ahead.  Rob is sound asleep as he had a late night, so I will try not to rattle too many dishes as not to wake him up.....shhhhhhhhhhh.

And not to forgot good old Wiarton Airport's input for the day:


Sunny. High minus 4. UV index 4 or moderate.


Clear. Becoming cloudy periods this evening. Low minus 11.

Sunshine !  Onward I go into the day, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".....

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